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March 2, 2014 / starstarstarstar

Single of the year?

Star single cover
We are pleased to announce the release of Tim Bick’s first single for **** artistes. It’s called Star and is already attracting the attention of the world’s media. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly called it “an affront to human decency”, while according to television insiders, former BBC Radio DJ and host of Channel 4’s ‘Deal Or No Deal’ Noel Edmonds is busy pitching a new game show loosely based on the song, in which celebrities vie to be the first to be voted off the programme by indulging in the most prima donna-ish and least tasteful behaviour they can muster.

Since Tim’s work is truly unclassifiable, we have had to coin a new term for it: foam wave. We think of it as music you can bounce on the sofa cushions to, whether you’re standing, sitting or even lying down. Can you bounce on the furniture to Lorde’s ‘Royals’? No, you can’t. That ain’t foam wave.

Star is available on iTunes and all other digital stores, and can be streamed and purchased in both digital and physical formats from Bandcamp here:

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